Energy Saving Tips

Tips reduce Propane usage in Your Home

Home Heating Applications:

  • Heating systems (ie: furnaced, boilers, etc) need regular cleaning and tune-ups. Contact your local propane supplier to schedule a heating system inspection.
  • Clean air filters will save you money on your heating bill. Change your furnace filters on a regular schedule.
  • Investing in a thermostat that automatically adjust your temperatures to preprogrammed day/night settings.
  • Seal any areas where drafts occur around windows and doors.   Caulking and weather-stripping is available at local hardware stores.
  • If you are purchasing a fireplace, consider selecting one fueled by propane. Propane fireplaces burn more efficiently than wood-burning models and distribute heat more evenly throughout the room.

Water Heaters

  • You can save more than 10 percent on your water-heating bill by turning down your water heater from the standard 140 degrees to 130 degrees.
  • To extend your water heater's life and increase energy efficiency, drain it according to the manufacturer's instruction manual to remove lime deposits and sediment.
  • Install flow-restricting shower heads. You can reduce hot water usage by up to 50 percent without greatly affecting shower pressure.
  • Repair leaky faucets. A leak that fills a coffee cup in 10 minutes wastes 3,200 gallons of water a year.

Home Appliances

  • Gas ranges with electronic ignition systems will use 40 percent less energy than a standing pilot system.
  • Be sure that all burners are burning with a blue, cone-shaped flame. A yellow flame indicates clogged air inlets or burners that need adjustment. Contact your propane supplier's service department immediately if you do not see a blue flame.
  • Check the seal on your oven door. Gaps or tears in the seal will let heat escape and waste energy.